Quaternion MPCEP, CEPMP, and MPCEPMP Generalized Inverses

Autor: Ivan Kyrchei
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Matrix Theory-Classics and Advances
Matrix Theory-Classics and Advances ISBN: 9781803558226
Popis: A generalized inverse of a matrix is an inverse in some sense for a wider class of matrices than invertible matrices. Generalized inverses exist for an arbitrary matrix and coincide with a regular inverse for invertible matrices. The most famous generalized inverses are the Moore–Penrose inverse and the Drazin inverse. Recently, new generalized inverses were introduced, namely the core inverse and its generalizations. Among them, there are compositions of the Moore–Penrose and core inverses, MPCEP (or MP–Core–EP) and EPCMP (or EP–Core–MP) inverses. In this chapter, the notions of the MPCEP inverse and CEPMP inverse are expanded to quaternion matrices and introduced new generalized inverses, the right and left MPCEPMP inverses. Direct method of their calculations, that is, their determinantal representations are obtained within the framework of theory of quaternion row-column determinants previously developed by the author. In consequence, these determinantal representations are derived in the case of complex matrices.
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