Creating a geodemographic classification for older people in England: the Aging in Place Classification

Autor: Nasuto, Andrea, Dolega, Les, Yang, Yuanxuan, Darlington-Pollock, Fran
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6408782
Popis: The English population is rapidly aging. A granular understanding of the key characteristics and spatial distribution of this population is required to tackle its emerging needs. An ‘Aging in Place Classification’ (AiPC) geodemographic classification has been designed to investigate the conditions of older people across 9 key domains. The classification is built using multiple machine learning techniques and it has been validated through a ground-truthing process. The AiPC reveals 5 macro multi-factor grouped profiles of conditions of the 50+ people in England and 13 smaller clusters within these macro groups. The classification constitutes the first-of-its-kind geodemographics to investigate factors on the ‘aging in place’ policy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE