Comparison of Ultrasonic Vocalizations Emitted bv Rodent Pups

Autor: Shinobu Aoki-Komori, Toru R. Saito, Haruo Hashimoto, Naoki Moritani, Minoru Tanaka
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Experimental Animals. 53:409-416
ISSN: 1881-7122
Popis: Ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) emitted by rodent pups, mouse, rat, Syrian hamster, vole, and Mongolian gerbil, were compared as a basic study for a screening test of anti-panic drugs. USVs of rodent pups, separated from their mother under a low temperature condition, were collected by Real-Time Spectrogram (RTS) apparatus, and transformed into spectrograms and power spectra by SIGNAL software. Waveforms of USVs emitted by the rodent pups showed several characteristic features, and species specificity of USVs was shown. We think that the species specificity might be due to differences of the anatomical structures in the respiratory tract and respiratory patterns in rodent pups.
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