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Shapovalova A. A., Babov K. D. Psychological correction of the status of children in the period of the remission of oncological diseases and their mothers as a component of sanatorium-resort rehabilitation. Актуальні проблеми транспортної медицини / Actual problems of transport medicine / 2018;1(51):61-67. ISSN 1818-9385 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1239830 http://aptm.org.ua UDК 159.923.31: 616.15-006-036.66-053.2: [616-036.82: 615.327] PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRECTION OF THE STATUS OF CHILDREN IN THE PERIOD OF THE REMISSION OF ONCOLOGICAL DISEASES AND THEIR MOTHERS AS A COMPONENT OF SANATORIUM-RESORT REHABILITATION A.A. Shapovalova, K.D. Babov GU "Ukrainian Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Odessa Abstract Urgency of the problem. The psychological problems of families who raise children after cancer are relevant and are now at the center of attention of psychologists. However, this requires additional research. The purpose of the work: to conduct psychological correction of children’s state in the period of remission of oncological diseases and their mothers as a component of sanatorium rehabilitation Materials and methods. The general complex of sanatorium-and-spa rehabilitation of 33 children with oncological diseases and 33 mothers under the conditions of a sanatorium for children accompanied by parents (VP Chkalov health resort, Odessa) included a sparing motor regime; climatotherapy; dietary food; exercise therapy; singlet-oxygen cocktail; children's phytotea (holosas with ascorbic acid); programs of psychological assistance to sick children and their mothers. Psychological testing included the graphical technique "Cactus" (MA Panfilova), the technique "Level of anxiety" (Lavrentieva, Titarenko), the technique of Spielberger-Khanin, the method of diagnosis of the attitude towards the child's illness (DOBR) [3-5] Results. The psychological correction done for the children in the period of remission of oncological diseases positively influenced their psychological state in the form of reduced aggressiveness, secrecy, manifestations of anxiety and aspiration to loneliness, to home protection, increased confidence and optimism, aspiration for leadership. Demonstrativeness, femininity, extravertedness and introvertedness proved to be persistent even after carrying out correctional exercises. After completing corrective exercises, none of the children showed a high level of anxiety. Corrective classes with mothers of children during the remission of cancer significantly reduced the levels of reactive and personal anxiety, improved indicators of the attitude towards the child's illness with a decrease in anxiety, nosognosia, general tension. The conclusion. It should be considered necessary to carry out a psychological correction of the state of children in the period of remission of oncological diseases as a component of other complexes of sanatorium-and-spa rehabilitation, in particular with the use of mineral natural waters. Key words: children, oncological diseases, sanatorium-and-spa rehabilitation, psychological correction. |