Green Synthesis and Application of ZSM-5 Zeolite

Autor: Si Cheng Liu, Shu Qin Zheng, Chen Ou, Pei Qing Zhang
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Kemija u industriji : Časopis kemičara i kemijskih inženjera Hrvatske
Volume 70
Issue 3-4
Kemija u Industriji, Vol 70, Iss 3-4, Pp 121-127 (2021)
ISSN: 1334-9090
Popis: A ZSM-5 molecular sieve composite with a wide pore prepared by the solid phase in-situ synthesis method and fluid catalytic cracking, and an FCC catalyst additive prepared by the same ZSM-5 molecular sieve for increasing the amount of light olefin yield were investigated. The samples were characterized by XRD, N2 adsorption/desorption, SEM, and NH3-TPD, respectively. The results showed that the structure of the ZSM-5 molecular sieve composite prepared by solid phase in-situ synthesis method was pure MFI-type zeolite material. The crystallinity of ZSM-5 molecular sieve was 59.8 wt%. The synthesized ZSM-5 molecular sieve had more acid content and a wide-pore structure. The average pore size was 5.9 nm, and BET specific surface area and micropore specific surface area of sample were 213 m2 g–1 and 124 m2 g–1, respectively. The evaluated results indicated that the FCC catalyst additive had good selectivity for LPG, propylene, and butene, increasing propylene and butene yields by 2.28 wt% and 2.15 wt%, respectively, as well as had better heavy oil cracking capability and coke selectivity. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Istražen je kompozit molekularnog sita ZSM-5 sa širokim porama pripremljen sintezom na krutoj fazi in-situ i katalitičkim krekiranjem u vrtložnom sloju (FCC) te aditiv katalizatora FCC pripremljen istim molekularnim sitom ZSM-5 u svrhu povećanja količine prinosa lakog olefina. Uzorci su karakterizirani rendgenskom difrakcijom na prahu (XRD), adsorpcijom/desorpcijom N2, skenirajućim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) te temperaturno programiranom desorpcijom amonijaka (NH3-TPD). Rezultati su pokazali da je struktura smjese molekularnog sita ZSM-5 pripremljena metodom sinteze in-situ u čvrstoj fazi čisti zeolitni materijal skupine MFI. Kristaliničnost molekularnog sita ZSM-5 iznosila je 59,8 %. Sintetizirano molekularno sito ZSM-5 imalo je više kiseline i strukturu sa širokim porama. Prosječna veličina pora bila je 5,9 nm, a specifična površina (BET) i specifična površina mikropora uzoraka iznosile su 213 m2 g–1, odnosno 124 m2 g–1. Evaluirani rezultati ukazali su na to da aditiv katalizatora FCC pokazuje dobru selektivnost za ukapljeni naftni plin (UNP), propilen i buten, povećavajući prinos propilena i butena za 2,28 %, odnosno 2,15 %, kao i da ima bolju sposobnost krekiranja teškog ulja i selektivnost koksa. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.
Databáze: OpenAIRE