Determination of the digestible energy intake and apparent absorption of macroelements in pasture-fed lactating Thoroughbred mares

Autor: N. D. Grace, Erica K. Gee, H L Shaw, Elwyn C. Firth
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 50:182-185
ISSN: 1176-0710
DOI: 10.1080/00480169.2002.36308
Popis: To measure the nutritive value of pasture in terms of digestible energy (DE) intake (DEI) and dry matter (DM) digestibility, and to determine the apparent absorption of macroelements in lactating Thoroughbred mares grazed on pasture.DM intake (DMI) and DEI were determined from daily faecal DM output measured in grazing mares, divided by the DM indigestible fraction (1-digestible DM), measured in a digestibility trial using pasture-fed mares. Eight lactating mares and their foals, that had a mean age of 40 days, were grazed separately on 50x100 m areas of pasture and daily faecal DM outputs were recorded for 8 days. Five mares and their foals were then placed in individual bare 20x20 m corrals containing custom-made feeding stations for 14 days to determine the indigestible DM fraction. DM, gross energy content, crude protein (CP), soluble carbohydrate, acid detergent fibre (ADF), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), lipid, and macroelement composition of the pasture offered and faeces were determined and their digestibility and/or apparent absorption calculated.DM digestibility of the pasture was 0.6 and the DMI and DEI of a grazing 560 kg mare in early lactation nursing a foal growing at 1.34 kg/day was 13.6 (SE 0.8) kg/day and 146.9 (SE 8.4) MJ DE/day, respectively. Apparent absorptions of the macroelements measured were: Ca 0.75, P 0.43, Mg 0.63, Na 0.78, and K 0.72.Good quality ryegrass-white clover pasture that had a DE content of 10.8 MJ/kg DM, and a macroelement composition (g/kg) of Ca 3.33, P 3.0, Mg 1.67, Na 1.67, and K 24.2, will provide adequate DMI, DEI, and macroelement intake to lactating Thoroughbred mares.
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