SN 2021hpr and its two siblings in the Cepheid calibrator galaxy NGC 3147: A hierarchical BayeSN analysis of a Type Ia supernova trio, and a Hubble constant constraint

Autor: Ward, Sam M., Thorp, Stephen, Mandel, Kaisey S., Dhawan, Suhail, Jones, David O., Taggart, Kirsty, Foley, Ryan J., Narayan, Gautham, Chambers, Kenneth C., Coulter, David A., Davis, Kyle W., de Boer, Thomas, de Soto, Kaylee, Earl, Nicholas, Gagliano, Alex, Gao, Hua, Hjorth, Jens, Huber, Mark E., Izzo, Luca, Langeroodi, Danial, Magnier, Eugene A., McGill, Peter, Rest, Armin, Rojas-Bravo, César, Wojtak, Radosław
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: To improve Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) standardisability, the consistency of distance estimates to siblings -- SNe in the same host galaxy -- should be investigated. We present Young Supernova Experiment Pan-STARRS-1 $grizy$ photometry of SN 2021hpr, the third spectroscopically confirmed SN Ia in the high-stellar-mass Cepheid-calibrator galaxy NGC 3147. We analyse NGC 3147's trio of SN Ia siblings: SNe 1997bq, 2008fv and 2021hpr, using a new version of the BayeSN model of SN Ia spectral-energy distributions, retrained simultaneously using optical-NIR $BgVrizYJH$ (0.35--1.8 $\mu$m) data. The distance estimates to each sibling are consistent, with a sample standard deviation $\lesssim$0.01 mag, much smaller than the total intrinsic scatter in the training sample: $\sigma_0\approx0.09$ mag. Fitting normal SN Ia siblings in three additional galaxies, we estimate a $\approx$90% probability that the siblings' intrinsic scatter is smaller than $\sigma_0$. We build a new hierarchical model that fits light curves of siblings in a single galaxy simultaneously; this yields more precise estimates of the common distance and the dust parameters. Fitting the trio for a common dust law shape yields $R_V=2.69\pm0.52$. Our work motivates future hierarchical modelling of more siblings, to tightly constrain their intrinsic scatter, and better understand SN-host correlations. Finally, we estimate the Hubble constant, using a Cepheid distance to NGC 3147, the siblings trio, and 109 Hubble flow ($0.01 < z_{\rm{CMB}} < 0.08$) SNe Ia; marginalising over the siblings' and population's intrinsic scatters, and the peculiar velocity dispersion, yields $H_0=77.9\pm6.5 \text{ km s}^{-1}\text{Mpc}^{-1}$.
Comment: Submitted to MNRAS; 30 pages, 22 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE