Reset: Anthropogenic Climate Change is Urban, not Modern

Autor: Geoff O'Brien, Phil O'Keefe, Peter J. Taylor
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Cities Demanding the Earth ISBN: 9781529210491
Popis: This is the second chapter on unthinking, specifically building a new narrative to show anthropogenic climate change is not a result of modern industrial society rather it has a much deeper pedigree as essentially urban in nature. The narrative has been constructed by matching Jane Jacobs’ ideas on the power of cities from their initial invention of agriculture to William F. Ruddiman’s revision of the sequence of greenhouse gases generating anthropogenic climate change. There are two initial outcomes: first a critical reassessment of the importance of cities in geographical imaginings of the past, and second a critical intervention into the dating of the Anthropocene pushing it back many thousands of years.
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