Regional difference in prefrontal oxygenation before and during overground walking in humans: a wearable multichannel NIRS study

Autor: Kei Ishii, Yukari Hatanaka, Kanji Matsukawa, Kei Hihara, Nan Liang, Ryota Asahara
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 322:R28-R40
ISSN: 1522-1490
Popis: Using wireless multichannel near-infrared spectroscopy, regional difference in cortical activity over the prefrontal cortex (PFC) was examined before and during overground walking and in response to changes in speed and cognitive demand. Oxygenated-hemoglobin concentration (Oxy-Hb) as index of cortical activity in ventrolateral PFC (VLPFC), dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC), and frontopolar cortex (FPC) was measured in 14 subjects, whereas heart rate was measured as estimation of exercise intensity in six subjects. The impact of mental imagery on prefrontal Oxy-Hb was also explored. On both sides, Oxy-Hb in VLPFC, DLPFC, and lateral FPC was increased before the onset of normal-speed walking, whereas Oxy-Hb in medial FPC did not respond before walking onset. During the walking, Oxy-Hb further increased in bilateral VLPFC, whereas Oxy-Hb was decreased in DLPFC and lateral and medial FPC. Increasing walking speed did not alter the increase in Oxy-Hb in VLPFC but counteracted the decrease in Oxy-Hb in DLPFC (but not in lateral and medial FPC). Treadmill running evoked a greater Oxy-Hb increase in DLPFC ( n = 5 subjects). Furthermore, increasing cognitive demand during walking, by deprivation of visual feedback, counteracted the decrease in Oxy-Hb in DLPFC and lateral and medial FPC, but it did not affect the increase in Oxy-Hb in VLPFC. Taken together, the profound and localized Oxy-Hb increase is a unique response for the VLPFC. The regional heterogeneity of the prefrontal Oxy-Hb responses to natural overground walking was accentuated by increasing walking speed or cognitive demand, suggesting functional distinction within the PFC.
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