Potential Role of the Nitroacidium Ion on HONO Emissions from the Snowpack

Autor: John R. Sodeau, Tristan B. Roddis, Stig Hellebust
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 111:1167-1171
ISSN: 1520-5215
DOI: 10.1021/jp068264g
Popis: The effects of photolysis on frozen, thin films of water-ice containing nitrogen dioxide (as its dimer dinitrogen tetroxide) have been investigated using a combination of Fourier transform reflection-absorption infrared (FT-RAIR) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The release of HONO is ascribed to a mechanism in which nitrosonium nitrate (NO+NO3-) is formed. Subsequent solvation of the cation leads to the nitroacidium ion, H2ONO+, i.e., protonated nitrous acid. The pathway proposed explains why the field measurement of HONO at different polar sites is often contradictory.
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