Choice of anesthesia in orthopedic surgery

Autor: John B. Dillon
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Journal of the American Medical Association. 133(12)
ISSN: 0002-9955
Popis: There are no surgical patients who present more diverse conditions than those met by the orthopedist, and there are few patients who present greater problems to the anesthetist. The day has passed when it can be said that one or two anesthetic procedures will cover all cases. The development of special surgical technics not only necessitates the development of special anesthetic technics but depends on their development. The anesthetist has a dual responsibility. First, he has an obligation to the patient to see to it that the patient suffers no damage or at least minimal damage from the anesthesia and if possible that the patient is in better physical condition than he was prior to entering the operating room. Second, he has an obligation to the surgeon, namely, to provide the type of anesthesia that will enable the surgeon to accomplish the procedure at hand with no added difficulty. Ideally
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