MRI after implantation of a novel femoral closure device following intra-arterial catheterisation: implications for subsequent contrast-enhanced MR angiography

Autor: Hans-Ulrich Kauczor, Thomas Voigtlaender, Oliver K. Mohrs, Steffen E. Petersen, Bernd Nowak
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: European Radiology. 20:1277-1283
ISSN: 1432-1084
Popis: To assess MRI safety aspects and artefacts of a novel femoral artery closure device during contrast-enhanced MR angiography in patients following intra-arterial catheterisation.Ten consecutive patients underwent MRI within 24 h of coronary angiography and placement of a femoral artery closure device. We used a T2-weighted gradient-echo MRI sequence to measure the device-related artefact size in comparison with a phantom image, phase-contrast flow measurement proximal to, at the level of and distal to the device to quantify potential differences in flow velocity and contrast-enhanced 3D gradient-echo MR angiography to differentiate potential femoral artery stenosis from device-related artefacts.The mean size of the oval-shaped artefact was 8.4 x 6.6 mm (+/-1.0 x 0.8 mm) and was almost identical to the maximum artefact size of the phantom measurement (8.3 x 5.7 mm). Device placement did not result in an increased peak velocity (proximal 69 +/- 23 cm/s, at the level of 64 +/- 11 cm/s and distal to the device 63 +/- 12 cm/s, p = 0.67). The mean artefact penetration into the vessel lumen was 0.5 +/- 0.5 mm (percentage vessel narrowing 7.0 +/- 6%; range 0-16%).The MR conditional StarClose femoral artery closure device was used safely within 24 h of deployment at 1.5 T. Despite clip-related artefacts MR angiography will allow for easy differentiation of clip-related artefacts from high-grade atherosclerotic stenosis.
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