Quality circle technique in tertiary health care system: A Sustainability model

Autor: Thakre SB, Thakre SS, Niswade A
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3523977
Popis: Objectives: To find out important administrative/human resource problems, barrier may exist and role of quality circle in improvement of quality of sanitation at tertiary health care system.Study design: Observational descriptive case study Study setting: In August 2014, a study was initiated to establish quality circles in a 1407-bed tertiary care hospital in Central India. After the administrative process and a pilot study, experimental units began implementing the quality circle program in September 2014. After exploring many problems related to patient care it was decided to address poor hospital sanitation as it was felt an important issue. Study participants: All full time permanent workers willing to participate in the study as a group member and one of the member was elected as group leader. Main outcome: Effective functioning of quality circle, tremendous improvement in ambiance in terms of floor, side walls, toilet and hospital waste management assessed by qualitative means- observations and feedback.Results: Majority 98.5% of the hospital problems were of C and D category. Predominant problem was poor sanitation, poor hospital waste management and robotic work pattern. It was decided to form quality circles for well-defined problem so that with the help of facilitator and group leaders were able to solve problem with full participation. At this juncture there is “no foul smell no filth”. Waste is properly collected and disposed of. Focus group discussion with different circle reveals work satisfaction. Discussion with other staff said that “tremendous improvement in all aspect of hospital environment”. However; it was a converse situation in nonquality circle areas. Conclusion: Quality circle programme at Government Medical College, Nagpur, and tertiary hospital tremendously improved hospital sanitation without additional financial inputs from hospital administration. Working together with some knowledge about problems and its easy elucidation provided by group members tremendously achieved desire goal in terms of quality of hospital sanitation. Outcome is not only be amazing but it will also help us to stumble on our own lacunae and facilitate designing of a better system.
Databáze: OpenAIRE