Constraints on charm-anticharm asymmetry in the nucleon from lattice QCD

Autor: Hans Günter Dosch, Stanley J. Brodsky, Tiehui Liu, Andrei Alexandru, Yi-Bo Yang, Keh-Fei Liu, Guy F. de Teramond, Terrence Draper, Raza Sabbir Sufian
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Nuclear and High Energy Physics
Particle physics
Nuclear Theory
High Energy Physics::Lattice
FOS: Physical sciences
Nucleon spin structure
Lattice QCD
01 natural sciences
Charm quark
High Energy Physics - Experiment
Nuclear Theory (nucl-th)
High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
High Energy Physics - Lattice
0103 physical sciences
Charm (quantum number)
010306 general physics
Nuclear Experiment
Light-front holographic QCD
Quantum chromodynamics
010308 nuclear & particles physics
Parton distributions
High Energy Physics - Lattice (hep-lat)
High Energy Physics::Phenomenology
Form factor (quantum field theory)
Form factor
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Intrinsic charm
High Energy Physics::Experiment
Zdroj: Physics Letters B, Vol 808, Iss, Pp 135633-(2020)
Physics Letters
Popis: We present the first lattice QCD calculation of the charm quark contribution to the nucleon electromagnetic form factors $G^c_{E,M}(Q^2)$ in the momentum transfer range $0\leq Q^2 \leq 1.4$ $\rm GeV^2$. The quark mass dependence, finite lattice spacing and volume corrections are taken into account simultaneously based on the calculation on three gauge ensembles including one at the physical pion mass. The nonzero value of the charm magnetic moment $\mu^c_M=-0.00127(38)_{\rm stat}(5)_{\rm sys}$, as well as the Pauli form factor, reflects a nontrivial role of the charm sea in the nucleon spin structure. The nonzero $G^c_{E}(Q^2)$ indicates the existence of a nonvanishing asymmetric charm-anticharm sea in the nucleon. Performing a nonperturbative analysis based on holographic QCD and the generalized Veneziano model, we study the constraints on the $[c(x)-\bar{c}(x)]$ distribution from the lattice QCD results presented here. Our results provide complementary information and motivation for more detailed studies of physical observables that are sensitive to intrinsic charm and for future global analyses of parton distributions including asymmetric charm-anticharm distribution.
Comment: Published version, Physics Letters B
Databáze: OpenAIRE