Creatinine equilibrium between mother and nephrectomized primate fetus

Autor: Richard A. Bashore, Drake W. Will, Donald L. Hutchinson
Rok vydání: 1962
Zdroj: Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 110
ISSN: 0037-9727
Popis: Summary and conclusions1. Concentrations of creatinine in maternal and fetal sera of the monkey are within the range considered normal for pregnant humans. 2. Concentrations of creatinine in maternal and fetal sera remain in equilibrium and within this normal range 3 and 4 weeks after bilateral fetal nephrectomy. 3. It is not necessary to postulate renal excretion of creatinine into the amniotic fluid and subsequent absorption or diffusion by the chorioamniotic membrane to account for creatinine equilibrium between fetus and mother. 4. It is suggested that the placenta, rather than the fetal kidneys, is important in maintaining the composition of fetal serum.
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