An extension of Schäffer's dual girth conjecture to Grassmannians

Autor: Dmitry Faifman
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: J. Differential Geom. 92, no. 1 (2012), 201-220
ISSN: 0022-040X
DOI: 10.4310/jdg/1352297806
Popis: In this note we introduce a natural Finsler structure on convex surfaces, referred to as the quotient Finsler structure, which is dual in a sense to the inclusion of a convex surface in a normed space as a submanifold. It has an associated quotient girth, which is similar to the notion of girth defined by Schäffer. We prove the analogs of Schäffer’s dual girth conjecture (proved by Álvarez-Paiva) and the Holmes–Thompson dual volumes theorem in the quotient setting. We then show that the quotient Finsler structure admits a natural extension to higher Grassmannians, and prove the corresponding theorems in the general case. We follow Álvarez-Paiva’s approach to the problem, namely, we study the symplectic geometry of the associated co-ball bundles. For the higher Grassmannians, the theory of Hamiltonian actions is applied.
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