Shortness of breath, fever and abdominal pain in a 21-year-old student

Autor: Michael A. Silva, Jonathan Webster, Hugh James Whalley, Dionysios-Dennis Remoundos
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: BMJ case reports. 2013
ISSN: 1757-790X
Popis: A 21-year-old patient presented with a 3-day history of shortness of breath, productive cough, fatigue, fevers and night sweats, associated with right upper quadrant pain. He had an appendicectomy 3 months previously. The CT images showed a right subphrenic collection, which was indenting the right lobe of the liver, with an appendicolith in the middle. He underwent laparoscopic surgery where the abscess was drained and the appendicolith was retrieved. The patient had an uncomplicated postoperative period and was discharged soon afterwards. Complications from spilled appendicoliths have been reported previously. Retained appendicoliths and gallstones can act as niduses for infection, and thus cause symptoms at a later stage. Surgical notes should include the findings of appendicoliths, and in the event where retrieval is not possible, a clear record of this must be made, and the patient along with the general practitioner need to be informed.
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