Consumption and marketing mix perspective for a nettle infusion with orange in Pastaza

Autor: Manuel Lázaro Pérez Quintana, Miguel Ángel Enriquez
Jazyk: Spanish; Castilian
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: ECA Sinergia; Vol. 11 Núm. 2 (2020): Mayo-Agosto; 34-46
ISSN: 1390-6623
DOI: 10.33936/eca_sinergia.v11i2
Popis: El emprendimiento estudiantil a nivel universitario dentro de carreras de producción es uno de los ejes importantes en el desarrollo de las regiones, este tiene que ir de la mano de estrategias de distribución tratando de formar emprendedores y administradores de sus propios emprendimientos, es por eso que este trabajo mide el nivel de consumo de infusiones de plantas aromáticas en la Ciudad del Puyo, Ecuador; definidas con un 78 % de consumo. La metodología que se aplico es inductiva con un enfoque cuantitativo, de perspectiva empresarial, con un alcance de la investigación exploratoria y descriptiva, mediante el levantamiento de una herramienta (encuesta) para medir la percepción. Como conclusión se definió que la frecuencia de consumo de infusiones se determina que se lo hace de 2 a 3 veces por semana con el 59 %, definidas que el 44 % de consumidores lo hacen por temas de salud, el 56 % lo consumen en la noche, tomando en cuenta la importancia de consumo de plantas con el 56 %, en relación al gusto de las especies se puede observar que el 24 % prefiere la hierba luisa, el 23 % la Jamaica y el 21 % la guayusa. En relación al apoyo de este emprendimiento estudiantil tenemos un 83 % de personas que apoyarían nuestra propuesta de infusión, se definió un plan de marketing mix basado en los resultados y adaptado a la situación de la ciudad. Palabras clave: consumo; empresarial; percepción; amazónico; infusión; salud; marketing mix. Abstract Student entrepreneurship at the university level within production careers is one of the important axes in the development of the regions, this has to go hand in hand with distribution strategies trying to train entrepreneurs and managers of their own ventures, that is why This work measures the level of consumption of infusions of aromatic swamps in the City of Puyo, Ecuador; defined with a 78% consumption. The methodology that is applied is inductive with a quantitative approach, from a business perspective, with a scope of exploratory and descriptive research, by raising a tool (survey) to measure perception. In conclusion we define that the frequency of infusion consumption is determined to be done 2 to 3 times per week with 59%, defined that 44% of consumers do it for health issues, 56% consume it at night, taking into account the importance of consumption of plants with 56%, in relation to the taste of the species it can be observed that 24% prefer the lemon verbena, 23% the Jamaica and 21% the guayusa. In relation to the support of this student entrepreneurship we have 83% of people who would support our infusion proposal, a marketing mix plan based on the results and adapted to the city situation was defined. Keywords: consumption; business; perception; Amazon; infusion; health; marketing mix.
Student entrepreneurship at the university level within production careers is one of the important axes in the development of the regions, this has to go hand in hand with distribution strategies trying to train entrepreneurs and managers of their own ventures, that is why This work measures the level of consumption of infusions of aromatic swamps in the City of Puyo, Ecuador; defined with a 78% consumption. The methodology that is applied is inductive with a quantitative approach, from a business perspective, with a scope of exploratory and descriptive research, by raising a tool (survey) to measure perception. In conclusion we define that the frequency of infusion consumption is determined to be done 2 to 3 times per week with 59%, defined that 44% of consumers do it for health issues, 56% consume it at night, taking into account the importance of consumption of plants with 56%, in relation to the taste of the species it can be observed that 24% prefer the lemon verbena, 23% the Jamaica and 21% the guayusa. In relation to the support of this student entrepreneurship we have 83% of people who would support our infusion proposal, a marketing mix plan based on the results and adapted to the city situation was defined. Keywords:consumption; business; perception; Amazon; infusion; health; marketing mix.
Databáze: OpenAIRE