Synchronization and information flow in EEGs of epileptic patients

Autor: Z. Hrncir, K. Sterbova, V. Komarek, M. Paulus, T. Prochazka
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazine : the quarterly magazine of the Engineering in MedicineBiology Society. 20(5)
ISSN: 0739-5175
Popis: An information-theoretic approach suitable for studying synchronization phenomena in experimental time series has been applied in analysis of EEG recordings of epileptic patients. Transient phenomena leading to seizures have been characterized by increased synchronization (local and between areas) and asymmetry in information flow (the area of the epileptogenic focus drives and synchronizes adjacent areas). Although the results should be regarded as preliminary, they suggest that the method has a promising potential for localization of epileptic foci and anticipation of approaching seizures.
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