Bidessus longistriga Regimbart 1895

Autor: Bergsten, Johannes, Ranarilalatiana, Tolotra, Biström, Olof
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4329739
Popis: Bidessus longistriga Régimbart, 1895 Figs 2C, 3G Bidessus longistriga Régimbart, 1895: 79. Bidessus longistriga – Alluaud 1900: 59. — Zimmermann 1920: 54. — Guignot 1959: 254. — Bistr̂m 1985: 7. — Rocchi 1991: 85. — Nilsson 2001: 115. — Pederzani & Rocchi 2009: 93. — Nilsson & Hajek 2020: 104. Diagnostic characters Head frontally not margined but provided with a shallow, transverse depression slightly posterior to anterior edge of head (between eyes). Pronotum on disc with a broad impunctate area or with a few fine punctures, distinctly sparser than punctures at frontal and posterior edge. Pronotal striae at base deeply impressed. Pronotal striae with a distinct angle (not smoothly curved). Basal striae of elytra long. Sutural lines distinct; anteriorly and posteriorly lines fade away; transformed to row of punctures. Punctures on both side of basal striae of unequal size; distinctly coarser on inner side. Apical sternite with fine, slightly irregular punctures. Female with outline of elytra posteriorly smooth (minor extension absent). Penis in lateral view slender, curved but medially somewhat straightened. Penis apex not distinctly extended (Fig. 3G). Length of body 1.6–1.8 mm. Material examined 283 specimens (BMNH, NHRS, NMW, PBZT / MBC, DEUA) from provinces Antsiranana, Mahajanga, Toliara, Fianarantsoa and Toamasina (see Supplementary File 1). Distribution Endemic species to Madagascar but widely distributed on the island in lowland areas below 800 m a.s.l. (Fig. 4A). Collecting circumstances An apt flier that can be collected at light. At low altitudes on both east and west coast, found in a variety of stagnant waters (rice fields, ponds, pools in riverbeds), and in slow-flowing parts of rivers and canals. Often occurs sympatrically with B. perexiguus.
Published as part of Bergsten, Johannes, Ranarilalatiana, Tolotra & Biström, Olof, 2020, A new species of Bidessus from Anjozorobe-Angavo and a review of Malagasy Bidessus (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae), pp. 1-18 in European Journal of Taxonomy 720 on pages 6-8, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.720.1109,
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