Identification and Frequency Dependence of Viscoelastic Parameters during Dynamic Creep Tests on Selected Pome Fruits

Autor: László Fenyvesi, Csaba Farkas, Károly Petróczki
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: AgriEngineering
Volume 1
Issue 3
Pages 24-331
ISSN: 2624-7402
DOI: 10.3390/agriengineering1030024
Popis: In this paper, a novel control-loop concept is presented to investigate the viscoelastic properties of different pome fruits. Repeated mechanical effects are one of the most important risk factors during the postharvest procedures, so our work aimed to expand knowledge in the field. The actual investigations involved Golden Delicious apples and Packham pears. The developed model is based on the Poynting–Thomson body and, during the validating dynamic creep tests, different repeated compressive loads were applied. The examined frequencies were chosen from the most common components of the frequency distribution during the transportation process
the given range is responsible for the highest volume of fruit damage and the most extensive losses. The identified mathematical system determines the viscoelastic model parameters with the best fit to the measured creep data. The model properties of the tested fruit textures are compared in six different frequency setups, with the inspected pome species showing different elastic and viscous responses for the adjusted load conditions. The custom testing device with variable load functions and the proposed solution allow system identification with a wide range of setup possibilities. The resulted viscoelastic parameters can be used for further failure analysis and for the comparison of different pome fruit materials.
Databáze: OpenAIRE