Newton–Okounkov bodies, cluster duality, and mirror symmetry for Grassmannians

Autor: Lauren Williams, Konstanze Rietsch
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Duke Math. J. 168, no. 18 (2019), 3437-3527
Rietsch, K & Williams, L 2019, ' Newton-Okounkov bodies, cluster duality and mirror symmetry for Grassmannians ', Duke mathematical journal, vol. 168, no. 18, pp. 3437-3527 .
ISSN: 3437-3527
Popis: We use cluster structures and mirror symmetry to explicitly describe a natural class of Newton-Okounkov bodies for Grassmannians. We consider the Grassmannian $X=Gr_{n-k}(\mathbb C^n)$, as well as the mirror dual Landau-Ginzburg model $(\check{X}^\circ, W_q:\check{X}^\circ \to \mathbb C)$, where $\check{X}^\circ$ is the complement of a particular anti-canonical divisor in a Langlands dual Grassmannian $\check{X} = Gr_k((\mathbb C^n)^*)$, and the superpotential W_q has a simple expression in terms of Pl\"ucker coordinates. Grassmannians simultaneously have the structure of an $\mathcal{A}$-cluster variety and an $\mathcal{X}$-cluster variety. Given a cluster seed G, we consider two associated coordinate systems: a $\mathcal X$-cluster chart $\Phi_G:(\mathbb C^*)^{k(n-k)}\to X^{\circ}$ and a $\mathcal A$-cluster chart $\Phi_G^{\vee}:(\mathbb C^*)^{k(n-k)}\to \check{X}^\circ$. To each $\mathcal X$-cluster chart $\Phi_G$ and ample `boundary divisor' $D$ in $X\setminus X^{\circ}$, we associate a Newton-Okounkov body $\Delta_G(D)$ in $\mathbb R^{k(n-k)}$, which is defined as the convex hull of rational points. On the other hand using the $\mathcal A$-cluster chart $\Phi_G^{\vee}$ on the mirror side, we obtain a set of rational polytopes, described by inequalities, by writing the superpotential $W_q$ in the $\mathcal A$-cluster coordinates, and then "tropicalising". Our main result is that the Newton-Okounkov bodies $\Delta_G(D)$ and the polytopes obtained by tropicalisation coincide. As an application, we construct degenerations of the Grassmannian to toric varieties corresponding to these Newton-Okounkov bodies. Additionally, when $G$ corresponds to a plabic graph, we give a formula for the lattice points of the Newton-Okounkov bodies, which has an interpretation in terms of quantum Schubert calculus.
Comment: 55 pages, many figures; to appear in Duke
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