Brain synaptosomal, liver, plasma, and red blood cell lipids in piglets fed exclusively on a vegetable-oil-containing formula with and without fish-oil supplements

Autor: Nina Hrboticky, Sheila M. Innis, Keith D Foote, Murray J. Mackinnon
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 51:1001-1006
ISSN: 0002-9165
DOI: 10.1093/ajcn/51.6.1001
Popis: Clinical studies showed that a decrease in red blood cell 22:6n-3 caused by feeding infants formula (F) can be prevented by supplementation with fish oil (F + 0). It is not known whether fish-oil supplementation is able to support normal accretion offatty acids with � 20 carbons (LCFs) in the brain. Therefore piglets were fed exclusively F + 0, F, or sow milk (SM) for 15 d and theirliver and brain synaptosomal fatty acids were determined. Feeding F + 0 corrected the low n-3 LCP in the liver phospholipid (FL)and synaptosomal phospha- tidylethanolamine (FE) ofpiglets fed F compared with SM. An apparent compensatory increase in n-6 LCPs in liver FL and synaptosomal FE of piglets fed F compared with SM was sup- pressed by feeding F + 0. F + 0 also reduced the ratio of plasma FL 20:4n-6 to 20:5n-3, important for eicosanoid me- tabolism. Supplementation of F with n-3 LCFs as fish oil, without n-6 LCFs, at levels giving normal brain n-3 LCF, may alter n-6 LCF accretion. Am J Clin Nutr l990;5 1: 100 1-6.
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