Myeloschisis Repair in a Premature Neonate with a Birth Weight of 599 g

Autor: Shizuo Oi, Hiroyuki Ida, Masahisa Kobayashi, Tomoru Miwa
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Pediatric Neurosurgery. 47:379-382
ISSN: 1423-0305
Popis: This report describes the case of a neonate with myeloschisis weighing 599 g that underwent an operation for spinal cord reconstruction resulting in substantial neuronal functional recovery. At 28 weeks of gestation, oligohydramnios was detected and the female fetus was diagnosed with intrauterine growth retardation. At birth by emergency caesarean section, she showed lumbosacral myeloschisis and complete paralysis of the lower extremities. Surgical repair and spinal cord reconstruction was performed 2 days after birth by closing the neural placode. Total blood loss was only 2 ml. Within 3 months of the operation, lower extremity neurologic function gradually improved down to the level of the knee joint. To our knowledge, this case is the lowest recorded body weight for a neonate with myeloschisis repair at birth, and this further suggests the possibility of improvement of lower extremity neurologic function after birth and surgical reconstruction.
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