Uteroplacental Blood Flow Measured by Placental Scintigraphy During Epidural Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section

Autor: Jan Eklund, Skjöldebrand A, L. Nylund, B. Sarby, H. Johansson, Nils-Olov Lunell, S. Thornström
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Obstetric Anesthesia Digest. 10:159
ISSN: 0275-665X
Popis: The uteroplacental blood flow was measured before and during epidural anaesthesia for caesarean section in 11 women. The blood flow was measured with dynamic placental scintigraphy. After an i.v. injection of indium-113m chloride, the gamma radiation over the placenta was recorded with a computer-linked scintillation camera. The uteroplacental blood flow could be calculated from the isotope accumulation curve. The anaesthesia was performed with bupivacaine plain 0.5%, 18-22 ml and a preload of a balanced electrolyte solution 10 ml/kg b.w. was given. The placental blood flow decreased in eight patients and increased in three with a median change of -21%, not being statistically significant. No correlation between maternal blood pressure and placental blood flow was found.
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