A theory of commerce

Autor: Belén Jerez, Miquel Faig
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: e-Archivo. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
ISSN: 0022-0531
DOI: 10.1016/j.jet.2004.04.002
Popis: The theory of commerce advanced here captures prominent features of retail trade: large employment, congestion effects, anonymous posted prices, and quantity discounts. This theory is built around a directed search model where buyers’ preferences are private information. The analytical solution is easily inserted in a Neoclassical growth framework. In this framework, the parameters of retail trade are calibrated using commercial margins and employment. Welfare properties depend on the sellers’ ability to charge two-tier prices. With two-tier prices, the directed search equilibrium is efficient. Otherwise, it is not. This contrasts with the full information benchmark, where directed search is always efficient. Financial support from SSHRC of Canada (Grant 410010028) and DGCYT of Spain (projects BEC2002-00642,BEC2000-01 72 and HI2001-0039) is gratefully acknowledged. Publicado
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