[Proteolytic activity of fetoplacental complex in norm and pathology]

Autor: Mikuliak Ni, Petrushova Op
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Biomeditsinskaia khimiia. 60(3)
ISSN: 2310-6972
Popis: The activity of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), carboxypeptidase N (CPN), and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) has been investigated in the fetoplacental complex (FPC) in normal and placental insufficiency (FPI). ACE and LAP activities were significantly higher in the placental tissue than in maternal serum and umbilical vein serum. CPN activity was significantly lower in umbilical vein serum as compared to that of women in childbirth. Probably, the studied enzymes are involved in formation of reduced sensitivity of FPC of blood vessels during physiological pregnancy. In cases of placental insufficiency a significant increase of LAP activity was found in the placental tissue and umbilical vein serum. In addition, the pathological course of pregnancy caused a significant increase of CPN activity in serum of pregnant women in comparison to the norm. The obtained data suggest that during FPI proteolytic enzymes participate in the formation of compensatoty-adaptive reactions in the FPC. Results of this study are interesting in context of development of methods for prevention and correction of metabolic disorders in pathologies of pregnancy.Issledovali aktivnost' angiotenzinprevrashchaiushchego fermenta (APF), karboksipeptidazy N (KPN), leĭtsinaminopeptidazy (LAP) v fetoplatsentarnom komplekse (FPK) v norme i pri fetoplatsentarnoĭ nedostatochnosti (FPN). Pokazano, chto aktivnost' APF i LAP dostoverno vyshe v platsentarnoĭ tkani, chem v syvorotke krovi rozhenits v vene pupoviny. Aktivnost' KPN dostoverno nizhe v syvorotke krovi veny pupoviny po sravneniiu s takovoĭ rozhenits. Veroiatno, issleduemye fermenty uchastvuiut v formirovanii snizhennoĭ chuvstvitel'nosti sosudov FPK pri fiziologicheskoĭ beremennosti. Pri FPN obnaruzheno dostovernoe uvelichenie aktivnosti LAP v platsentarnoĭ tkani, syvorotke krovi veny pupoviny. Krome togo, pri patologicheskom techenii beremennosti vyiavleno dostovernoe povyshenie aktivnosti KPN v syvorotke krovi beremennykh po sravneniiu s normoĭ. Poluchennye dannye pozvoliaiut predpolagat' uchastie proteoliticheskikh fermentov v formirovanii kompensatorno-prisposobitel'nykh reaktsiĭ v fetoplatsentarnom komplekse pri FPN i, krome togo, predstavliaiut interes pri razrabotke metodov profilaktiki i korrektsii narusheniĭ metabolizma pri patologiiakh beremennosti.
Databáze: OpenAIRE