Selecting analytical target pesticides in monitoring: Sensitivity analysis and scoring

Autor: Kensuke Iwao, Motoyuki Kamata, Yoshihiko Matsui, Taku Matsushita, Koji Tani
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Water Research. 46(3):741-749
ISSN: 0043-1354
Popis: Measuring river water concentrations of all pesticides applied in a catchment area is a daunting task. This study aims to develop new score tables for selecting analytical target pesticides. Sensitivity analyses were conducted using a diffuse pollution hydrologic model to quantitatively evaluate the influence of pesticide properties (e.g., log K(OC), degradability [half-life]) on concentrations of rice-farming pesticides in river water. Using the results of the analyses, score tables were systematically designed for the pesticide properties such that the sum of the scores for a particular pesticide, designated as the contamination index, was proportional to the expected/predicted concentration of that pesticide in river water. The contamination indexes for pesticides applied in three river basins were calculated and compared with the corresponding observed pesticide concentrations. Correlations between contamination indexes and observed concentrations were fairly good. Pesticides were ranked according to the quotients obtained by dividing the pesticide concentrations predicted from the contamination indexes by the corresponding drinking-water quality guideline values, and pesticide candidates to be monitored were successfully selected on the basis of a threshold quotient.
Databáze: OpenAIRE