Cross-border Cooperation in the Field of Investment Activity with Regional Development Implications

Autor: Gabriela Kocourkova, L. Vaňková, Zdenek Krejza
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021, vol. 656, p. 1-12.
Popis: The article focuses on the issue of cross-border cooperation in the field of investment activity and its impact on the sustainable regional development. In particular, subsidy funds of the European Union are closely linked to regional development. This article covers the research of mapping the situation of cross-border cooperation of the territory of interest, which is partly formed by the South Moravian Region in the Czech Republic and partly by the Trnava and Bratislava Regions in the Slovak Republic. This area comprises 43 municipalities in the Czech Republic and 70 municipalities in the Slovak Republic. The questionnaire survey carried out showed that cross-border cooperation is more applied in the Czech Republic, while the Slovak Republic is more sceptical about the cross-border cooperation projects. Based on the evaluation of the questionnaires, a specific investment project was chosen between the municipalities of Mikulčice and Kopčany, which was financed through the European Regional Development Fund, specifically the Interreg V-A programme the Slovak Republic – Czech Republic. Analysis of the current state of financing was carried out for this project with proposals of possible other financing options. At the end of the article, the impact of the project on the sustainable development of border regions is evaluated.
Databáze: OpenAIRE