In vivo expression of interleukin-8, and regulated on activation, normal, T-cell expressed, and secreted, by human germinal centre B lymphocytes

Autor: Christiane Guret, Liliana Guzman-Rojas, Kelly Cain, Stephen E. Ullrich, Dat X. Nghiem, Jennifer Sims-Mourtada, Hector Martinez-Valdez, Roberto Rangel
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Immunology. 110(3)
ISSN: 0019-2805
Popis: T-cell homing within germinal centres (GCs) is required for humoral B-cell responses. However, the mechanisms implicated in the recruitment of T cells into the GC are not completely understood. Here we show, by immunohistology, and Northern and Western blots, that in vivo human GC B lymphocytes can express CxC and CC chemokines. Moreover, B-cell subset-specific experiments reveal that interleukin (IL)-8 and regulated on activation, normal, T-cell expressed, and secreted (RANTES) are predominantly expressed by GC centroblast and centrocytes, suggesting that chemokine expression is essential at stages in which B-lymphocytes engage in active antigen-dependent interactions with T lymphocytes. In keeping with this hypothesis, we show that the T cells recruited into the GC correlatively express the receptors for IL-8 and RANTES. We propose that chemokine expression is a key B-cell function that facilitates T-lymphocyte recruitment into the GCs and supports cognate B-cell : T-cell encounters. Moreover, our data are consistent with the impaired homing of T cells to secondary lymphoid organs in mice that are either deficient in CC and CxC chemokines or their receptors.
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