Stereoselective interaction of procyclidine, hexahydro-difenidol, hexbutinol and oxyphencyclimine, and of related antagonists, with four muscarinic receptors

Autor: Ernst Mutschler, Jean Claude Camus, Michèle Tastenoy, Jean Christophe, Carsten Strohmann, Günter Lambrecht, Lise Schjelderup, Arne J. Aasen, Magali Waelbroeck, Reinhold Tacke
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: European journal of pharmacology. 227(1)
ISSN: 0014-2999
Popis: Wc invcstigatcd thc binding properlies of thc (R)- and (Sl-cnantiomcrs of thc muscarinic antagonists trihcxyphcnidyl, procyclidinc, hcxahydro-difcnidol. p-fluoro-hcxahydro-difcnidol. hcxbutinol, p-fluoro-hcxbutinnl. and thcir corrcsponding methiodidcs at muscarinic M\(_1\), M\(_2\)• M\(_3\) and M\(_4\) receptor subtypes. In addition. binding properlies of thc (R)- and (S)-cnantiomcrs of oxyphcncycliminc wcrc studicd. The {R)- cnantiomcrs (cutomcrs} of all the compounds had a grcatcr affinity than the (S)-isomcrs for thc four muscarinic rcccptor subtypcs. Thc binding pattcrns of thc (R)- and (S)-enantiomers wcrc gcncrally different. We did not obscrvc any gcncral corrclation hctwccn thc potcncy of thc high-affinity enantiomer and Lhc affinity ratio (cudismic ratio) of the two cnantiomcrs. Thc rcsuhs arc discusscd in tcrms of a 'four suhsitcs' binding modcl.
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