'A pain in the buttock': A case report of gluteal compartment syndrome after robotic partial nephrectomy

Autor: Stephen Su Yang, Maurice Anidjar, Milène A Azzam
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of perioperative practice.
ISSN: 2515-7949
Popis: Acute compartment syndrome is a surgical emergency that, if unrecognised, leads to tissue and muscle ischaemia, necrosis, multi-organ failure and even death. Gluteal compartment syndrome is a rare type of compartment syndrome that typically occurs as a sequela of trauma, and its presentation may be difficult to recognise. We describe a case of a patient who developed gluteal compartment syndrome following a prolonged renal surgery in lateral decubitus position. Our case report aims to raise clinicians’ awareness to consideration of this rare syndrome in patients presenting with lower extremity or back pain after prolonged surgery.
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