Quasistatic response of loose cohesive granular materials

Autor: Jean-Noël Roux, Anh-Minh Tang, Walid Lammali
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol 249, p 14021 (2021)
Popis: DEM-simulated model cohesive assemblies of spherical grains of diameterd, with contact tensile strengthF0, once prepared in loose states, are quasistatically subjected to growing isotropic pressureP, and then to triaxial compression, maintaining lateral stresses σ2= σ3=Pwhile increasing axial stress σ1=P+qand strain є1. Reduced pressureP*=d2P/F0varies from 0.1 (cohesion dominated case, for which systems typically equilibrate with solid fraction Ф ≃ 0.35), to large values for which the cohesionless behavior is retrieved. In triaxial compression, while the moderate strain response (є1~ 0.1) is influenced by initial coordination numbers and mesoscale heterogeneities, the approach to the critical state, as bothq(deviator) and Ф steadily increase, gets slower for smallerP*. Critical ratioq/P strongly increases for decreasingP*, as roughly predicted in an “effective stress” scheme. Anomalously small elastic moduli are observed in the gel-like structures. While extensive geometric rearrangements take place, no shear banding is observed. Loose cohesive granular assemblies are thus capable of large quasistatic stable plastic strains and ductile rupture.
Databáze: OpenAIRE