Some determinants of quality and yield in the isolation of adult heart cells from rat

Autor: Robert A. Haworth, T.F. Warner, A B Goknur, Herbert A. Berkoff
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Cell Calcium. 10:57-62
ISSN: 0143-4160
DOI: 10.1016/0143-4160(89)90044-4
Popis: We investigated the effect of changes in perfusate substrate and Ca content on the quality and yield of isolated adult rat heart cells. When 1 mM Ca was added to the recirculating perfusate 15 min after collagenase addition, the ATP level of cells in the heart 15 min later, and their morphology in histological section, was no different from when no Ca was added back. The cells subsequently isolated were of similar yield, but a greater percentage were rod-shaped, compared with cells isolated without Ca restoration to the perfusate. Increased yield could be obtained by including substrates in the perfusate in addition to glucose. Either fatty acids or amino acids were effective. We conclude that: (1) all cells in the heart are Ca tolerant at the end of enzyme perfusion; (2) the presence of substrates in addition to glucose can help cells survive the isolation process.
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