The Climate of Colorado.: Its Influence on Diseases of Infants and Children

Autor: C. F. Gardiner
Rok vydání: 1899
Popis: I had intended to prepare a paper for this meeting upon the difference, if any, that exists between the life history of infants and children in Colorado, and that of infants in lower and more humid climates, such, for example, as our Middle and Eastern States. I had hoped to derive my data from comparing the statistics of boards of health, both East and West, thus insuring a reasonable amount of accuracy, or, at least, an approach to accuracy, far more desirable than the often misleading deductions taken from a few observers. This work, however, I was forced to abandon—at all events as first outlined—from the fact that with the material available it was clearly impossible to construct a series of comparative tables that would be reliable or sufficiently extensive for my purpose. However, a few comparative data that fulfilled the requirements as regards number and accuracy, and which I
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