Reflection of Barbie Culture on the games of children in the context of genderBarbie kültürünün toplumsal cinsiyet bağlamında çocuk oyunlarına yansımaları

Autor: Seval Ördek İnceoğlu, Yaşare Aktaş Arnas
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Journal of Human Sciences; Vol 14, No 4 (2017); 3239-3249
Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi; Vol 14, No 4 (2017); 3239-3249
ISSN: 2458-9489
DOI: 10.14687/jhs.v14i4.4688
Popis: There are many studies conducted about Barbie dolls. However, it has not been investigated how these toys reflected on gender perceptions of children. That is this topic is still an issue of concern. On the other hand, games give crucial clues regarding making sense of children’s worlds. Through this study, it was aimed to analyze the reflections of Barbie culture on children’s dramatic game processes. The design of the study was case study one of qualitative research designs aiming to obtain information in depth. The participants consisted of seven children in 5-year class of a nursery school and prefer to play in dramatic game center during game time. The data of the study was collected by observations. Within data collection, the whole process was recorded as videos in order to minimize data loss. In total, video record of 280 minutes was obtained. The data was analyzed by content analysis method. It was found out that children frequently emphasized physical features playing with Barbies, besides they involved in gendered conversations. Moreover, it was revealed that Barbie culture increased the gendered utterances of children when handled in terms of gender. Our study is parallel to the results of limited number of studies regarding this matter. Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file . Ozet Barbie bebeklere iliskin olarak yapilmis bir cok arastirma bulunmaktadir. Ancak bu oyuncaklarin cocuklarin toplumsal cinsiyet algilarina nasil yansidiklari yeterince arastirilmamistir. Yani bu konu halen merak konusudur. Oyunlar ise cocuklarin dunyalarinin anlasilmasinda onemli ipuclari sunarlar. Bu calismada Barbie kulturunun cocuklarin dramatik oyun sureclerine yansimalarinin incelenmesi amaclanmistir. Arastirmanin yontemini derinlemesine bilgi edinilmesini amaclayan nitel arastirma yontemlerinden durum calismasi olusturmaktadir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu bir anaokulundaki 5 yas sinifina devam eden ve oyun zamaninda dramatik oyun merkezinde oynamayi tercih eden yedi cocuk olusturmustur. Calismada veriler gozlemler yoluyla elde edilmistir. Veri toplama surecinde, veri kaybini en aza indirmek icin surecin tamami kamera kaydina alinmistir. Toplamda yaklasik 280 dakikalik kamera kaydi elde edilmistir. Veriler icerik analizi yontemiyle analiz edilmistir. Arastirmada cocuklarin Barbie’lerle oynadiklari sirada sikca fiziksel ozelliklere vurgu yaptiklari, ayrica cinsiyetci soylemlerde bulunduklari belirlenmistir. Ayrica «toplumsal cinsiyet» bakimindan ele alindiginda Barbie kulturunun cocuklarin cinsiyetci soylemlerini besledigi sonucuna ulasilmistir. Arastirmamiz konuya iliskin olarak yapilmis sinirli sayidaki calismanin sonuclariyla ortusmektedir.
Databáze: OpenAIRE