Autor: | Tkach, Ivan, Malanchuk, Maryna |
Jazyk: | ukrajinština |
Rok vydání: | 2017 |
Předmět: | |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.1145389 |
Popis: | The article analyzes the development of the theory of prices and pricing, discussed the theory of labor value theory of marginal utility and ending with modern neoclassical synthesis areas that constitute the theoretical basis of modern research market economy. There are knowledge of the economic nature of the price is marked by the following milestones: the quantitative theory of money, which has become widespread in the form of "equation of exchange" (MV = PQ); the theory of labor value determines the price as a monetary expression of the value of the goods, this model price was called costly pricing; the theory of marginal utility, where the price is presented in the form of an estimate of the marginal utility of this good, the price is the monetary expression of the ultimate or marginal utility of the economic good. These theories do not take into account the specifics of pricing for military products, because these products have specific characteristics, namely: the only buyer is the state, in most cases there is a monopoly on this type of product. Therefore, there is a need to develop a pricing methodology for military purposes in conditions of imperfect competition, resource constraints, economic crisis and conflicts. {"references":["1. Menher K., Bëm-Baverk E., Vyzer F. (1992) Avstryyskaya shkola v polytycheskoy ékonomyy [Austrian School in Political Economy] – Moscow: Ékonomyka, [in Russia]. 2. Burenok V. M., Lavrynov H. A., Khrustalev E. Y. (2006) Mechanisms of management of production of military products [Mechanisms of management of production of military products]. Moscow: Nauka [in Russia]. 3. Bukharin N.I. (1988) Politicheskaya ekonomiya rant'ye. Teoriya tsennosti i pribyli avstriyskoy shkoly (Reprintnoye vosproizvedeniye izdaniya 1925 goda) [Political economy of rentiers. The theory of the value and profit of the Austrian school (Reprinted reproduction of the 1925 edition)]. Moscow: Orbita [in Russia]. 4. Horbulin V. P., Shekhovtsov V. S., Shevtsov A. I. (2014) Problemy derzhavnoho rehulyuvannya tsin na produktsiyu oboronno-promyslovoho kompleksu Ukrayiny [Problems of state regulation of prices for products of the defense industrial complex of Ukraine]. Stratehichni priorytety – Strategic Priorities, №2 (31), 112 P. [in Ukraine]. 5. Zhehus O. V., ZhehusO. V. , PopovaL. O. , PartsyrnaT. M. Teoriya ta praktyka tsinoutvorennya u systemi marketynhu : monohrafiya [Theory and practice of pricing in the marketing system]. Kharkiv KHDUKHT, [in Ukraine]. 6. Keyns, Dzhon Meynard. (1978) Obshchaya teoriya zanyatosti, protsenta i deneg [The general theory of employment, interest and money]. Moscow: Progress, [in Russia] 7. Kokhno P. Tsenoobrazovaniye na vooruzheniye: metody upravleniya [Pricing for armament: methods of control]. // Voyennaya mysl' – Military thought. №11. – Moscow, [in Russia]. 8. Lavrinov G.A., Podol's'kiy A.G., Khrustalev Y.Y. (2012) Analiz faktorov, vliyayushchikh na tsenoobrazovaniye produktsii voyennogo naznacheniya [Analysis of factors affecting the pricing of military products]. Voprosy ekonomiki – Issues of Economics. №28 (118). Moscow: [in Russia]. 9. Negl T., Ignatenkova O., Kapturevskiy Y. (2004) Strategiya i taktika tsenoobrazovaniya: Rukovodstvo po prinyatiyu resheniy, prinosyashchikh pribyl' [Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Making Profit-Making Decisions]. 3.izd. – St. Petersburg. [in Russia]. 10. Smit A. (1931) Issledovaniye o prirode i prichinakh bogatstva narodov. [Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Making Profit-Making Decisions]. T.1. – Moscow, [in Russia]. 11. Tkach I. & Malanchuk M. (2017) Suchasni pidkhody do ponyattya ta klasyfikatsiyi resursiv i resursnoho zabezpechennya [Modern approaches to the concept and classification of resources and resource support]. Social Development & Security. 1(1), 69–83. Retrieved from.: 12. Fisher I. (1925) Pokupatel'naya sila deneg, yeyo opredeleniye i otnosheniye k kreditu, protsentu i krizisam [The purchasing power of money, its definition and attitude to credit, interest and crises]. Moscow: [in Russia]. 13. Kharris L. (1990) Denezhnaya teoriya [Money theory]. – Moscow: Progress, [in Russia]."]} |
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