Increased maternal leptin levels may be an indicator of subclinical hypothyroidism in a newborn

Autor: Hande Karpuzoglu, Yasemin Ucal, Pinar Kumru, Murat Muhcu, Mustafa Eroglu, Muhittin Serdar, Mustafa Serteser, Aysel Ozpinar
Přispěvatelé: Acibadem University Dspace
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of Medical Biochemistry. 41:156-161
ISSN: 1452-8266
DOI: 10.5937/jomb0-32425
Popis: Several factors may influence newborn thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations and cause subclinical hypothyroidism in a newborn. A sufficient level of leptin signalling is needed for the normal production of TSH and thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland. Our study aimed to investigate the correlation between maternal serum leptin concentration during the third trimester of pregnancy and newborn screening-TSH levels.This prospective cross-sectional study was conducted in obstetrics and gynaecology clinics of a state hospital between June and August 2013. Maternal venous blood samples were collected from 270 healthy pregnant women in the third trimester just before delivery. Measurements of maternal fT3, fT4, TSH, anti-thyroid peroxidase (TPO), and anti-thyroglobulin (anti-Tg) antibodies from serum samples were performed by chemiluminescence immunoassay. Maternal serum leptin levels were determined by ELISA. Dried capillary blood spots were used to measure newborn TSH levels.Subjects were divided into two groups according to the neonatal TSH levels using a cut-point of 5.5 mIU/L. Median maternal serum leptin levels were significantly higher in newborns whose TSH levels were higher than5.5 mIU/L [13.2 μg/L (1.3 - 46.5) vs 19.7 μg/L (2.4 - 48.5), p0.05]. Serum leptin levels showed a negative correlation with maternal fT4 (r=0.32, p0.05), fT3 (r=0.23, p0.05), and a positive correlation with BMI (r=0.30, p0.05).Our results suggest that high leptin levels in the third trimester of pregnancy influence maternal thyroid functions and might cause an increase in newborn TSH levels. Detection of high maternal serum leptin levels may be a reason for subclinical hypothyroidism.Postoji nekoliko faktora koji mogu uticati na koncentraciju tiroidno-stimulišućeg hormona (TSH) kod novo - rođenčadi i na izazivanje subkliničkog hipotiroidizma. Da bi štitna žlezda normalno proizvodila TSH i tiroidne hormone potreban je dovoljan nivo signalizacije leptina. U našoj studiji smo želeli da istra'imo korelaciju između koncentracije serumskog majčinskog leptina tokom trećeg trimestra trudnoće i nivo TSH na skriningu kod novo rođenčadi.Ova prospektivna studija preseka sprovedena je na akušersko-ginekološkim klinikama jedne dr'avne bolnice u periodu od juna do avgusta 2013. Uzorci venske krvi majki prikupljeni su od 270 zdravih trudnica u trećem tromesečju neposredno pre porođaja. Merenje majčinskih fT3, fT4, TSH, antitireoidnih peroksidaza (TPO) i antitireoglobulinskih (anti-Tg) antitela iz serumskih uzoraka izvedeno je hemiluminiscentnim imunološkim testom. Nivo leptina u serumu kod majki je određen ELISA testom. Za merenje nivoa TSH kod novorođenčadi korišćene su suve kapilarne krvne tačke.Ispitanici su podeljeni u dve grupe prema neonatalnim nivoima TSH sa graničnom vrednošću od 5,5 mIU/L. Srednji nivo serumskog leptina je bio značajno veći kod novorođenčadi čiji su nivoi TSH bili veći od5,5 mIU/L [13,2 mg/L (1,3-46,5) naspram 19,7 mg/L (2,4-48,5), p0,05]. Nivo leptina u serumu je pokazao negativnu korelaciju sa majčinim fT4 (r = 0,32, p0,05), fT3 (r = 0,23, p0,05) i pozitivnu korelaciju sa BMI (r = 0,30 p0,05).Naši rezultati ukazuju da visoki nivoi leptina u trećem tromesečju trudnoće utiču na funkcije štitne žlezde majke i mogu izazvati i povećati nivo TSH kod novo - rođenčadi. Otkrivanje visokog nivoa majčinskog leptina u serumu mo'e biti razlog za subklinički hipotiroidizam.
Databáze: OpenAIRE