Double‐Beam Vibrating Mirror Flying Spot Scanning‐Integrating Microspectrophotometer

Autor: James L. Engle, Jerome J. Freed
Rok vydání: 1968
Zdroj: Review of Scientific Instruments. 39:307-312
ISSN: 1089-7623
DOI: 10.1063/1.1683356
Popis: Serial measurements of integrated ultraviolet absorbance of individual living cultured animal cells are possible with a double‐beam scanning microscope designed to maximize the signal‐to‐noise ratio obtained for a given radiation flux traversing the sensitive specimen. A 192‐line raster (2 sec/frame), scanned in the specimen plane by a focused spot of monochromatized radiation, is reconstructed by video technique to provide an image display and permit manual delineation of photometric fields of arbitrary shape, corresponding to the shape of the specimen. Analog circuits produce a read‐out proportional to the integrated absorbance present in the photometric field, unaffected by inhomogeneity in the distribution of absorbing material.
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