Correlation Between Islamic Boarding School with Morals Characterisation of Students Ma'had Tahfidh Quran Al Amien Prenduan 2005

Autor: Kurniawan Arif Maspul
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: It is an irrefutable fact that the world's hope of an ideal generation seems like a blurred portrait; still very far from its reality. Student brawls, drugs, rape, illegal drinking, promiscuity, and so on, is an acts of physical and moral damage to students today. Today, this lifestyle has been considered a trend in itself.Ishaq Ahmad Farhan (2002: 77) predicts that Islamic education will run parallel with the establishment of an Islamic personality of students because Islam itself emphasizes greatly the formation of a noble character for the people. Due to this, Indonesia has found a variety of the latest innovations in education such as schools running from morning to night, Islamic schools for junior high and senior high, and so forth (Bustomi in Luqman, 2004: 49), not surprisingly Islamic educational institutions have a combined formal system and programs based on the Quran and Sunnah.With this concept in mind we shall observe carefully and examine it, using the title "Correlation between Islamic Boarding School and Moral Characterization of Students in Ma'had Tahfidh Quran (MTA) Al Amien Prenduan", with the formulation of the problem as follows:1. Is there any influence on the formation of an Islamic Boarding School towards student character in ‘Ma'had Tahfidh Quran (MTA) Al Amien Prenduan'?2. How extensive is the influence of an Islamic Boarding School on the formation of student character in ‘Ma'had Tahfidh Quran (MTA) Al Amien Prenduan’? To find out the problems the author used a correlation study with the questionnaire method, method of observation and interview methods as well as methods of documentation. While the author's data analysis uses the product-moment correlation technique.The results of the analysis are as follows:1. Islamic Boarding School Education affects the moral formation of students Ma'had Tahfidh Quran (MTA) Al Amien Prenduan.2. From the calculation of product moment correlation states that Islamic education is highly correlated to the character and personality of the students of Ma'had Tahfidh Quran (MTA) Al Amien Prenduan.In the last section, the author has explained the conclusions and some suggestions as well as information input for the development in implementing education-oriented Islamic education.
Databáze: OpenAIRE