Comparison of apple yield and quality in integrated and organic production system

Autor: Marko Dropuljić, Tea Presečki, Irena Siladi
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Pomologia Croatica : Glasilo Hrvatskog agronomskog društva
Volume 22
Issue 1-2
ISSN: 1848-9028
Popis: Organsko-biološka (ekološka) proizvodnja sve je zastupljenija u poljoprivredi svijeta tako i Hrvatske. Njome se želi postići održivost sustava bez uporabe sintetičkih gnojiva, pesticida, regulatora rasta i genetski modificiranih biljaka. Organska proizvodnja voća u svijetu prostire se na 12,6 milijuna hektara, od čega se jabuka uzgaja na 82 983 hektara. U Europi su najznačajniji proizvođači Italija, Njemačka, Austrija, Nizozemska, Belgija i Francuska. U Republici Hrvatskoj organsko-biološka proizvodnja voća zauzima 8 962 hektara, od čega na proizvodnju jabuka otpada 470 hektara. Prema dosadašnjim istraži-vanjima, prirodi u organskim proizvodnim sustavima manji su od onih u integriranim proizvodnjama, međutim cijena proizvoda je veća pa se time taj nedostatak može nadomjestiti. Hrana iz organske proizvodnje ime više nutricionistički poželjnih spojeva (vitamini, antioksidansi), a manje nepoželjnih spojeva kao što su teški metali, mikotoksini i ostatci pesticida. Osim toga, jabuke iz organske proizvodnje imaju veću tvrdoću i bolji okus.
Organic production is an increasingly popular term in agriculture around the world as is in Croatia. Organic farming is an agricultural system which seeks to achieve sustainability without the use of synthetic fertilisers and pesticides, growth regulators or genetically modified organisms. Organic fruit production spreads to 12,6 million hectares worldwide, while apple is produced on 82 983 hectares. The largest producing countries in Europe are Italy, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium and France. In Croatia organic fruit is produced on 8 962 hectares, of which 470 hectares are for apple production. In fruit production, as in other agricultural branches, the main goals are achieving desired yields and fruit quality. According to previous research, yields in organic production systems are lower in comparison to those in integrated production. However, the price of organic produce is higher, which can compensate for aforementioned shortcomings. Furthermore, there is evidence of organically produced food containing more nutritionally desirable compounds, such as vitamins and antioxidants, while containing lower levels of heavy metals, mycotoxins and pesticide residue. Additionally, organically produced apples are found to have a higher level of hardness and a more appetizing taste, which are important factors in production.
Databáze: OpenAIRE