Trial of pyrethroid impregnated bednets in an area of Tanzania holoendemic for malaria. Part 1. Operational methods and acceptability

Autor: Jo Lines, Martin S Alilio, A.E.P. Mnzava, K.J. Njunwa, T.J. Wilkes, C. F. Curtis, K. Kivumbi, Stephen M. Magesa
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Acta tropica. 49(2)
ISSN: 0001-706X
Popis: In five Tanzanian villages, nets impregnated with permethrin or lambdacyhalothrin were given out. The people received them enthusiastically and brought their nets for re-impregnation at six monthly intervals. Bioassays showed that the insecticidal power of permethrin impregnated nets remained adequate for six months unless the nets were washed. Nets with 30 mg lambdacyhalothrin/m2 retained high insecticidal power despite washing, but this dose caused temporary cold-like symptoms in those sleeping under freshly treated dry nets. Methods by which durable bednets might be made affordable by Tanzanian villagers are discussed.
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