Inferring bio-geographical ancestry with 35 microhaplotypes

Autor: Shuainan, Huang, Mingchen, Sheng, Zheng, Li, Kai, Li, Ji, Chen, Jiayi, Wu, Kang, Wang, Changling, Shi, Hao, Ding, Hongwei, Zhou, Lingmin, Ma, Jiawen, Yang, Yan, Pu, Youjia, Yu, Feng, Chen, Peng, Chen
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Forensic Science International. 341:111509
ISSN: 0379-0738
Popis: During the past decades, with the blooming of large-scale human genetic studies, we are beginning to understand how bio-geographical information could be reflected by genetic variations. And the technological advance in massively parallel sequencing gives advantages to some novel forensic markers such as microhaplotype (BIM). In the present study, we selected and characterized 35 novel bio-geographical informative BIMs based on the 1000 Genomes Project (1KG). All loci had short lengths less than 100 bp, high effective allele numbers (A
Databáze: OpenAIRE