Ograničavajući čimbenici izostanka aktivnosti na šumoposjedima u Republici Hrvatskoj – MIMIC model

Autor: Marijana Žunić, Krunoslav Teslak
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Šumarski list
Volume 143
Issue 1-2
ISSN: 1846-9140
DOI: 10.31298/sl.143.1-2.1
Popis: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi udio aktivnih i neaktivnih šumoposjednika na području Hrvatske, te na uzorku neaktivnih šumoposjednika identificirati potencijalne razloge nedovoljnog korištenja šumskih resursa, kao i njihove najznačajnije prediktore. Telefonskim anketiranjem i slučajnim odabirom intervjuirano je 1007 šumoposjednika jednoliko raspoređenih na području Hrvatske. Od ukupnog uzorka 60% šumoposjednika smatra da učinkovito gospodari svojim šumoposjedima, dok je njih 40% neaktivno. U svrhu utvrđivanja najvažnijih razloga i uzroka zbog kojih neaktivni šumoposjednici ne gospodare svojim posjedima, postavljena su im dodatna pitanja. Ponuđeno im je 19 izjava koje opisuju moguće razloge nedovoljnog korištenja šumskih resursa, te su na Likertovoj skali od 1 (uopće nije važno) do 5 (vrlo važno) izrazili svoju razinu slaganja s pojedinom izjavom. Faktorskom analizom ekstrahirana su tri faktora s najvećom svojstvenom vrijednošću. Faktori su interpretirani kao: (1) faktor neosposobljenosti i neznanja, (2) faktor pasivnosti i čuvanja šume i (3) faktor fizičkih ograničenja. Za izradu modela ograničavajućih čimbenika izostanka aktivnosti na šumoposjedima kao nezavisne varijable korištene su spol, starost, naobrazba, radni status, udaljenost između šumoposjeda i mjesta stanovanja, veličina naselja i poznavanje granica posjeda. Sociodemografske značajke i obilježja šumoposjeda modelirani su sa ekstrahiranim ograničavajućim čimbenicima izostanka aktivnosti primjenom MIMIC (Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes) modeliranja strukturalnim jednadžbama (SEM). Spol, starost i nepoznavanje granica posjeda pokazali su se kao najznačajniji prediktori. Najveći broj šumoposjednika u Hrvatskoj ne gospodari svojim šumoposjedima zbog nedovoljnog znanja i neosposobljenosti.
The purpose of this paper was to determine the share of active and inactive forest owners in Croatia and to identify potential causes for underuse of wood resources and their most important predictors based on inactive forest owners sample. We interviewed 1007 randomly selected forest owners on Croatian territory with a telephone survey. Of the total sample, 60% of forest owners believe that they efficiently manage their forests while 40% are inactive (Table 1). In order to determine the most important reasons and causes for inactive forest owners not cutting more, additional questions were asked. They were provided by 19 statements describing possible reasons for underuse of wood resources. Then, on Likert’s scale from 1 (not important at all) to 5 (very important) they expressed their level of agreement with a particular statement (Table 2). The statements were condensed into three dimensions by explanatory factor analysis with eigenvalue approach. Factors were interpreted as: (1) factor of qualifications and knowledge constraints, (2) factor of passiveness and forest conservation and (3) factor of physical constraints (Table 2). Statistically acceptable model was established by confirmatory factor analysis approach (Figure 2). The pronounced processes of structural changes in forest ownership composition, as well as in socio-demographic and forest property characteristics, are evident across Europe consequently influencing the intensity of private forest management. Within the aforementioned, we used gender, age, education, working status, the distance between the forest and the place of residence, the size of the settlement and the knowledge of forest property boundary lines as independent variables for management constraining factors model construction (Figure 1). Socio-demographic and forest property characteristics have been modeled with the extracted management constraining factors by applying a Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model (Figure 3). MIMIC model revealed that gender, age, and lack of boundary lines knowledge were the most important predictors for management constraining factors (Table 4). The notable part of forest owners in Croatia do not manage their forests because of insufficient knowledge and qualifications.
Databáze: OpenAIRE