Radiculitis: Its Diagnosis and Interpretation

Autor: Edward E. Mayer
Rok vydání: 1918
Popis: Radiculitis, thesyndrome radiculaireof Dejerine1is an acute inflammation of the spinal nerve roots. We mean by a radicular syndrome, alterations of sensation or of muscle power which show that the primary disease-process producing them is in the spinal roots and not in the tracts and nuclei of the spinal cord. Likewise, we must distinguish such an innervation from a peripheral one. We know that every posterior root innervates a particular skin zone, its fibers reaching this area through several peripheral nerve trunks. Radicular areas are, therefore, very different from peripheral areas of innervation. According to some, radiculitis should be used only in connection with disease of the sensory nerve roots. Such a limited pathologic picture i s, however, rarely met with and the radicular syndrome generally includes an involvement of the anterior as well as of the posterior nerve roots. Wertheim - Salomonson2believes that radiculitis should
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