Autor: M A Pilinska, O V Shemetun
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Проблеми радіаційної медицини та радіобіології = Problems of Radiation Medicine and Radiobiology. 24:65-92
ISSN: 2313-4607
DOI: 10.33145/2304-8336-2019-24-65-92
Popis: The review summarizes and analyzes the data of world scientific literature and the results of the own research con- cerning one of the main non-targeted effects of ionizing radiation - the radiation induced bystander effect (RIBE) - the ability of irradiated target cells to induce secondary biological changes in non-irradiated receptor cells. The his- tory of studies of this phenomenon is presented - it described under various names since 1905, began to study from the end of the twentieth century when named as RIBE and caused particular interest in the scientific community during recent decades. It is shown that the development of biological science and the improvement of research methods allowed to get new in-depth data on the development of RIBE not only at the level of the whole organism, but even at the genome level. The review highlights the key points of numerous RIBE investigations including mod- eling; methodological approaches to studying; classification; features of interaction between irradiated and intact cells; the role of the immune system, oxidative stress, cytogenetic disorders, changes in gene expression in the mechanism of development of RIBE; rescue effect, abscopal effect, persistence, modification, medical effects. It is emphasized that despite the considerable amount of research concerning the bystander response as the universal phenomenon and RIBE as one of its manifestations, there are still enough «white spots» in determining the mech- anisms of the RIBE formation and assessing the possible consequences of its development for human health.U statti uzagal'neni ta proanalizovani dani svitovoï naukovoï literatury i rezul'taty vlasnykh doslidzhen' shchodo odnogo z osnovnykh nemishenevykh efektiv diï ionizuiuchogo vyprominiuvannia – radiatsiy̆no-indukovanogo efektu svidka (radiation induced bystander effect – RIBE) – zdatnosti oprominenykh klityn-misheney̆ indukuvaty vtorynni biologichni zminy v neoprominenykh klitynakh-retsypiientakh. Vidobrazheno istoriiu doslidzhen' ts'ogo fenomenu, iakyy̆ pid riznymy nazvamy opysuvavsia shche z 1905 roku, pochav vyvchatysia z kintsia KhKh stolittia, koly y̆ oderzhav naz- vu RIBE, ta vyklykav osoblyvyy̆ interes u naukovoï spil'noty v ostanni desiatyrichchia. Pokazano, shcho rozvytok biologichnoï nauky i vdoskonalennia metodiv doslidzhen' dozvolyly otrymaty novi poglybleni dani shchodo rozvyt- ku RIBE ne til'ky na rivni tsilisnogo organizmu, ale y̆ na rivni genomu. Vysvitleno kliuchovi momenty chyslennykh doslidzhen' RIBE, zokrema – modeliuvannia; metodychni pidkhody do vyvchennia; klasyfikatsiia; osoblyvosti vzaiemodiï mizh oprominenymy ta intaktnymy klitynamy; rol' imunnoï systemy, oksydatyvnogo stresu, tsytogene- tychnykh porushen', zminy ekspresiï geniv v mekhanizmi rozvytku RIBE; zvorotnyy̆ efekt svidka (rescue effect), abs- kopal'nyy̆ efekt (abscopal effect), persystentsiia, modyfikatsiia, medychni naslidky. Pidkresleno, shcho, nezvazhaiuchy na znachnyy̆ obsiag doslidzhen' fenomenu bystander response iak universal'nogo iavyshcha ta RIBE iak odnogo iz y̆ogo proiaviv, shche isnuie dostatn'o «bilykh pliam» u vyznachenni mekhanizmiv stanovlennia RIBE ta otsintsi mozhlyvykh naslidkiv y̆ogo rozvytku dlia zdorov’ia liudyny.
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