Enhancing research practices in intellectual and developmental disabilities through person-centered outcome evaluation

Autor: Ruth Luckasson, Robert L. Schalock
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Research in developmental disabilities. 117
ISSN: 1873-3379
Popis: Background Research practices in IDD need to align current values towards people with IDD, the current understanding of IDD, and best practices regarding change strategies and valued outcomes. Aims To describe the components to—and application of—a person-centered outcome evaluation model that meets the above criteria. Methods and procedures A person-centered evaluation logic model is used to identify and describe a conceptual framework (input), a change strategy (throughput), personal outcomes (outcome), and meaningful impacts (output). Outcomes and results Specific person-centered outcomes and exemplary outcome indicators are presented for two outcome evaluation frameworks: human functioning dimensions, and the four theoretical perspectives on IDD: biomedical, psychoeducational, sociocultural, and justice. Conclusions and implications A person-centered approach to outcome evaluation enhances research practices in IDD by identifying and assessing valued personal outcomes that align current values, understanding, and best practices; increases transparency; facilitates accountability; and expands understanding.
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