Supporting open research data practice through data curation and discovery: A global perspective

Autor: Isto Huvila, Hsin-Liang (Oliver) Chen, Ying-Hsang Liu, Mingfang Wu, Makoto P. Kato
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Liu, Y-H, Chen, H L, Kato, M P, Wu, M & Huvila, I 2020, Supporting open research data practice through data curation and discovery : A global perspective . in Information for a Sustainable World : Addressing Society's Grand Challenges ., e291, Association for Information Science and Technology, Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, no. 1, vol. 57, ASIST (Association for Information Science and Technology) Annual Meeting, 22/10/2020 .
ISSN: 2373-9231
Popis: This panel will address the issues associated with the practice and service of open research data curation and discovery from a global perspective. The sub‐fields of information science such as information retrieval, information curation, information practices and human‐centered data science have approached the open research data initiatives from multiple lenses. The issues of data creation, capturing, curation, sharing, discovery and reuse of cut across the sub‐fields. We will identify and discuss the emerging themes in open data curation and discovery drawing on active research projects, repository practices and research data capturing and reuse in a selection of disciplines from health domain to archaeology and cultural heritage.
Databáze: OpenAIRE