Using nursing interventions classification as a framework to revise the Belgian nursing minimum data set

Autor: Dominik Michiels, Koen Van den Heede, Olivier Thonon, Walter Sermeus
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: International journal of nursing terminologies and classifications : the official journal of NANDA International. 20(3)
ISSN: 1744-618X
Popis: To develop the revised Belgian nursing minimum data set (B-NMDS).The Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC, 2nd edition) was used as a framework. Six expert nurse panels (cardiology, oncology, intensive care, pediatrics, geriatrics, chronic care) were consulted. Seventy-nine panelists completed standardized e-mail questionnaires and discussed results in face-to-face meetings.We initially selected 256 of 433 NIC interventions. After panel discussions, plenary meetings, and pretesting, the revised B-NMDS (alpha version) contained 79 items covering 22 NIC classes and 196 NIC interventions.Consensus building promoted acceptance of the B-NMDS, while the NIC provided a good theoretical basis and guaranteed international comparability.The revised B-NMDS instrument can be used to visualize nursing activities in different applications (e.g., financing, staffing allocation).
Databáze: OpenAIRE