Cocaine induction of ERK proteins in dorsal striatum of Fischer rats

Autor: Vanya Quinones-Jenab, Shirzad Jenab, Ruhal Hazim, Arbi Nazarian, Eugene D. Festa, Hui Bing K. Wu, Wei-Lun Sun, Scott J. Russo
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Molecular Brain Research. 142:134-138
ISSN: 0169-328X
Popis: Cocaine is an addictive psychostimulant that induces fos and opioid gene expression by activating the dopamine receptors and the PKA pathways in dopamine D1 and a glutamate NMDA-dependent mechanisms in the striatum. In this study, we show that a single cocaine administration induces ERK phosphorylation in the caudate/putamen of Fischer rats. This increase in Phospho-ERK is diminished by pre-administration of SCH23390, or MK801 but not with pre-administration of eticlopride. Furthermore, this single cocaine administration does not alter the levels of phospho-CREB protein or CREB-DNA bindings in the caudate/putamen protein extracts but does increase phospho-Elk-1 protein levels in the same extracts.
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